April 5, 2008

Children and Divorce

We all know families who have been touched by divorce. Divorce can be extremely challenging for parents. They are forced to make adjustments in their lifestyle and they find themselves struggling to raise their children with a co-parent they are no longer married to.

Parents can be so caught up in dealing with the aftermath of the divorce that they unintentionally forget to notice how the divorce is effecting their children. Children usually feel many of the same emotions felt by their parents; sadness, anger, shame, guilt, self-blame, etc. If not addressed, these emotions can manifest themselves in a child experiencing physical illnesses, depression, anxiety or displaying challenging behaviors.

Being sensitive to what your child may be feeling after a divorce and addressing his or her concerns can alleviate some of the stress for your child. There are numerous children's book that address divorce. Counselors, who specialize in working with children, can offer emotional support to the child and give parents suggestions on how to make the divorce transition smoother. Support groups for children teach coping skills and show children that they are not the only ones with divorced parents.

If you are dealing with separation or divorce don't overlook the impact it's having on your children.

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