April 27, 2010

Understanding ADHD

Perhaps your child has been given a diagnosis of ADHD or it's been suggested that he or she needs to be evaluated to determine whether or not they have ADHD. No matter which situation you find yourself in it's important to understand the different types of ADHD as they can be confusing.

1. ADHD, Predominatly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type

2. ADHD, Predominantly Inattentive Type

3. ADHD, Combined Type

The type of ADHD your child has will determine the best way for you to parent your child. There are numerous books and web sites available that can help you better understand ADHD and offer parenting suggestions. However this can be a challenge as what works with one child won't necessarily work for another.

Sometimes it can be helpful to consult with an expert who can help you navigate parenting your ADHD child by offering insights and suggestions based upon your particular situation. If you are seeking more effective ways to parent your ADHD child contact me via email pam@pamdyson.com or call 314-681-8272 to schedule a consultation. I offer support, encouragement and strategies you can easily implement.

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